Used by the best schools of music, drama and art

ASIMUT is scheduling, room booking and event management software, proudly serving the world’s top academies and faculties in fine arts. From small, specialized schools with fewer than 100 students to large multi-arts institutions with thousands of students, ASIMUT has proven its worth all across Europe, the USA and Asia for more than a decade.

Royal Academy of Music London logo

“Our jobs are so much easier now. We’re all singing from the same hymn sheet.”

Charlotte Tulloch
Royal Academy of Music,
London (UK)

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts logo

“It’s easy to use and it makes your life much easier. Everyone is happy now.”

Lilian Yuen
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong

Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam logo

“At our academy we like pioneers. The flexibility of ASIMUT effectively supports our specific needs.”

Robert de Vrij
Willem de Kooning Academy,
Rotterdam (Netherlands)

The solution

Dynamic schools need dynamic planning. That’s why we have developed ASIMUT, a system that combines the three core functions for fine arts schools: timetabling, room booking and event management. Customizable rules, flexible planning tools and effective space management make it the most efficient tool for planning education in the fine arts.

Timetabling & Scheduling

  • For complex and individual schedules

  • Comprehensive clash checking

  • Unlimited exceptions

Room booking

  • Online self-service room booking

  • Custom rules and regulations

  • Effective space management

Event management

  • Step by step planning

  • Task management

  • Team communication

Royal College of Music, London (UK)

“It’s difficult to imagine how much simpler things are going to be until you’ve got it in place. At which point you realize you’re saving hundreds of hours.”

Natasha Loges

Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen (DK)

“ASIMUT is framing our education really well. It’s really effective and easy to use. We could not see not having it anymore.”

Trine Klindt Wienigk

Book a demo

Would you like to know more about ASIMUT and what it can do for your school?
Book a free online demo of ASIMUT right here!

A raised hand for a question about ASIMUT

How to get started

ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.