Online stage, staged online

The future of performing arts schools is an integrated approach to digital and ‘real-life’ – and online planning tools will play a key part. Dennis Jung Møller has the background story.

If there was anything positive about the recent pandemic that, hopefully, will soon lie behind us, it would be the insight that we must future-proof our communication and planning processes in the performing arts – and that we can.

What performing arts schools and music academies share is their unique blend of physical presence and presentation; a blend that can have a so much wider impact if student and faculty work is, also, disseminated in the online world we have increasingly inhabited over the past one and a half years.

Yet the 21st-century performing arts school can be more. A truly integrated approach that also makes intelligent use of room-booking and event planning is nothing short of a redefinition, of how schools can streamline their processes and optimize operational efficiency and financial performance. And it even goes deeper than that.

“Planning, scheduling, and communicating
need to go hand in hand
serve our students optimum”

Planning, scheduling, and communicating need to go hand in hand to serve our students optimum, we have learned during the pandemic. Indeed, there is nothing worse than last-minute changes not reaching students and faculty; and, frankly, in the heat of it all, your staff have more important things to do than concentrate on manually operating complex processes that can, and should, be automated. Even under normal circumstances, planning in performing arts schools is highly complex, from one-on-one teaching and individual student practice to ensemble rehearsals and sometimes quite large cohort sizes in classroom instruction.

Even if the key part of classes, rehearsals, and performances is continuing in a physical place, many other steps in the process will become increasingly online. And this is a two-way street:

  • Students have come to expect planning and organizing their lives from anywhere – and smooth bookings of practice or rehearsal spaces are a part of that, and key source of student satisfaction (or lack thereof); and
  • Administrators need an immediate overview of room availabilities and internal event management that is 100% accurate, reliable, and live.

Between the two is instant communication of all details, thousands of emails and messages, across various platforms… and we have not even considered online instruction yet, which also needs its institutional home – typically, an interactive learning platform – tied into the bigger picture!

“Our scheduling software
has been developed specifically
help performing arts schools”

At ASIMUT we understand this, because our scheduling software has been developed specifically to help performing arts schools with digital planning, scheduling, event management, booking, and communication. We understand this because many of us at ASIMUT have studied at, worked and managed for, or taught as professors at a performing arts school.

And yet – do not only take our word for it. We are proud to serve a community of over 60 performing arts and fine art schools, and music conservatoires across the U.S.A. and Europe, and beyond. We know they will tell you how ASIMUT has helped them make planning and communicating so much more efficient because everything is online, automated and adaptable. How it can also help you reduce cost, since the room booking system will ensure that every room and resource is being utilized to the fullest.

ASIMUT handles the dynamic, individualized and ever-changing nature of scheduling at performing arts schools in a way that is not possible manually… and quicker: during the pandemic, our clients were able to limit the number of people booked into rooms, enforce time gaps, and create better support for online meetings with easier access to Teams, Zoom, and other online meeting platforms.

We would be excited to assist you in this transformative process and would feel honored to see you become a member of the ASIMUT family.

Dennis Jung Møller, Head of Sales and Implementations at ASIMUT

A true multi-talent who is uniquely qualified in both music and software, Dennis oversees all sales processes, takes on implementation workshops, and works in the development and conceptualization of ASIMUT.

Dennis’s passion for music has been accompanied by a passion for IT ever since first grade. He has a degree in rhythmic music from The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus and has been part of the company from the very early years, helping ASIMUT grow into what it is today.

ASIMUT software is now in use at schools on three continents ranging from independent academies such as the Juilliard School, the Guildhall School and the Royal Dutch Academy of Art, as well as art and music departments of universities and colleges like the National University of Singapore, the University of Rotterdam, and Bard College.

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Book a free online demo of ASIMUT right here!