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ASIMUT News April 2015
ASIMUT has a new client in Spain, and pictures from our User Group Meeting 2015! Those and more news are now available in the latest [...]
User Group Meeting 2015 – Thank You!
Thank you all so much for your participation in our User Group Meeting 2015! It was very good to spend some days with you at [...]
ASIMUT User Group Meeting 2015
Registration for the ASIMUT user group meeting 2015 is now open! The meeting will be held in the magnificent buildings of the Royal Welsh College of [...]
Welcome Conservatorium van Amsterdam!
ASIMUT is delighted to announce that the Conservatorium van Amsterdam is our newest client. The Conservatorium is one of Holland’s largest and most important schools of music [...]
User Group Meeting 2015 – Save the Date!
The countdown has begun for the next ASIMUT User Group Meeting! Those and more news are now available in the latest ASIMUT newsletter. Stay tuned and [...]
2014 National Conference of The College Music Society
ASIMUT is always looking for news from the world of music education! This time, the ASIMUT team has arrived in St. Louis, Missouri to [...]
Student Job Position – ASIMUT Marketing & Sales team
ASIMUT is looking for a student to join our Marketing & Sales team! To apply for the position, you will need to fit in [...]
ASIMUT 2.18 is on it’s way
We're currently finishing off ASIMUT 2.18 in order to get the new version out to all our customers as soon as possible. Those and [...]
AEC congress in Budapest 2014 – meet us in Hungary!
We are looking very much forward to participating in the annual congress of the AEC (Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen) [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.