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Your ASIMUT news – december 2013
Registration for the user group meeting has opened and support for ASIMUT on Internet Explorer 8 will stop - find those and more news [...]
Two more ASIMUT customers in the Netherlands
It is with great pride that we announce both The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague and Codarts at Rotterdam have chosen ASIMUT for timetabling, [...]
End of support for Internet Explorer 8
From April 2014, Microsoft officially ends all support for Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8. At ASIMUT software we won't go that far - [...]
AEC Palermo 2013 – Meet us in Italy!
As every year, ASIMUT software is participating in the annual AEC congress, which will take place in Palermo this week (Nov 7-9 2013). The [...]
Your ASIMUT news – October 2013
Join the ASIMUT community and meet us in Palermo - the latest ASIMUT news are out! Never miss out on important updates on ASIMUT [...]
News concerning the ASIMUT app
There's good news regarding the ASIMUT app: jQuery Mobile is the technology it is based on, and we have been waiting eagerly for the [...]
Join the discussion in the ASIMUT forum
Share ideas, find answers to your questions and discuss anything about the system with other users in the ASIMUT forum. In order to build [...]
ASIMUT user group meeting 2014
Meet other ASIMUT users on our very first ASIMUT user group meeting in history, taking place in spring 2014. Here's a glimpse on what [...]
ASIMUT newsletter 3/2013
Have you already checked out our new module and watched some of our helpful tutorials? To find those and more recent news, have a [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.