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Save the Date – User Group Meeting 2016
Mark on your calendars for the 4th and 5th of April and get ready for our next User Group Meeting in Barcelona! Those and more [...]
ASIMUT in Latvia!
Time to celebrate one more client and one more country. The ASIMUT team is very proud to announce our first client from Latvia! With almost 100 years [...]
Willem de Kooning Academy goes ASIMUT
A lot of customers have joined us during the past months - we're working hard on getting all those cakes eaten. Here's one of [...]
ASIMUT 2.19 is out
The latest ASIMUT upgrade provides you with a lot of handy features and enhancements, such as advanced editing functions for arrangements and events, the [...]
ASIMUT latest news!
Have you read the ASIMUT latest news? New version of the system full of new features and improvements! And the welcome celebration of our 5th [...]
ASIMUT latest news!
New clients in Germany, successful integration with SALTO in Spain and one more client from Ireland! Have you read our latest ASIMUT News? Sign [...]
ASIMUT is opening doors!
We successfully completed the integration between ASIMUT and the automatic door system SALTO at the Conservatori Liceu, in Spain. Now students and professors automatically receive permission [...]
New client in The Netherlands!
It is with great pleasure and happiness that we announce our 5th client in The Netherlands! Now it is time to celebrate the arrival of [...]
Royal Irish Academy of Music, welcome!
Another welcome cake celebration in ASIMUT! Now, it's time to welcome the Royal Irish Academy of Music, our second client from Ireland. The Academy [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.