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ASIMUT user group meeting 2014
We would like to thank everybody who participated in our first ASIMUT user group meeting in history, which was held at the Royal College [...]
ASIMUT and the Heartbleed-bug
The Heartbleed bug that affected more than half a million widely trusted websites and web-applications including major banks also initially affected ASIMUT servers. We [...]
Get the latest news on ASIMUT
Some useful tutorials and news on the user group meeting are on their way to all our ASIMUT users. Get your copy here! Remember [...]
Working with categories in ASIMUT
What are the categories in ASIMUT used for and how do I set them up? How do I set a default category for my [...]
Adding Ireland to the ASIMUT map
It was back in December when CIT Cork School of Music in Ireland decided to join the ASIMUT family. Ever since, things have been [...]
Your latest ASIMUT news
Great participation rates for the upcoming ASIMUT user group meeting in London, a tutorial video on how to use the iCal feed plus a [...]
Royal Academy of Music goes ahead with ASIMUT
Yet another of the finest institutions for music education has decided to implement ASIMUT: we're very proud to welcome the Royal Academy of Music [...]
Export your ASIMUT calendar via iCal feed
If you'd like to have all your calendars in one place, you can add your ASIMUT schedule to any calendar application using the iCal [...]
Sign up for the ASIMUT user group meeting
Registration for the ASIMUT user group meeting is now open! The meeting will be held in the splendid locations of the Royal College of [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.