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ASIMUT in Swedish and Welsh
Thanks to the great help of Operahögskolan and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, you can now also use ASIMUT in Swedish and [...]
A student’s intro to ASIMUT
When the new term starts, there are hundreds of things to take care of. In order to make life easier for you, we made [...]
Create a shortcut for ASIMUT on your computer
Are you tired of forgetting the URL for ASIMUT and having to google it before you can actually access it? Well, here's a quick [...]
Interested in how ASIMUT works?
If you'd rather see the system itself than only reading about it, here's good news for you: the first part of our ASIMUT introductory [...]
Cake for Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Hello, Scotland! We send our best welcome wishes over to our very new customer, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. As customers keep coming in [...]
ASIMUT version 2.17 is available now
The brand new ASIMUT version 2.17 has now been released. All of our clients will be upgraded as soon as possible, so everybody can [...]
Welcome, Longy School of Music of Bard College!
Yet another customer hopped on the ASIMUT train: after celebrating our first Swedish customer, we are now very proud to welcome Longy School of [...]
Welcome, Operahögskolan!
A very warm welcome to our very first Swedish customer: Operahögskolan Stockholm! The school trains talented opera singers, répétiteurs and opera directors, preparing them [...]
GSMD celebrates ASIMUT launch with puddings
"ASIMUT is here!" - who strolled through the halls of Guildhall School of Music & Drama yesterday could see happy faces everywhere. After an [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.