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Welcome NIDA!
The National Institute of Dramatic Arts is located in Kensington, Australia celebrated its 60th anniversary this year (2019). NIDA offers full-time fully-accredited bachelor degrees [...]
Welcome Langara college, welcome Canada !
The Langara College is located in Vancouver, Canada and our first Canadian customer. It started in 1965 a part of the Vancouver Community College. [...]
ASIMUT for all of Uniarts Stockholm!
The Stockholm University of the Arts decided to go ASIMUT. After a very successful implementation at Operahögskolan 6 years ago we are very happy [...]
Turin, here we come!
Will you be attending the 2019 AEC Congress in Turin this year? We from ASIMUT most certainly are! It has become a great tradition [...]
Welcome Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, welcome Switzerland!
The Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana is our first client in Switzerland. We are very glad to add yet another country [...]
Welcome ATD!
The Academy of Theatre and Dance offers all theatre and dance disciplines at bachelor and master’s degree level. Reuniting theatre and dance under one [...]
See you at the ICFAD in Austin
Will you be attending the 2019 ICFAD conference in Austin, Texas? ASIMUT surely is! We are very excited to - once again - be [...]
Welcome ESMRS!
The Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía (Reina Sofía School of Music) was established in Madrid in 1991 with the purpose to supply Spain [...]
The summer release is ready for roll out!! Over the next three weeks we will be upgrading your systems to the newest version. ASIMUT [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.