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A gazelle during the pandemic
We are very proud to announce that we have again been rewarded with the gazelle award for 2021! To "be a gazelle", as they [...]
Webinars up and running
Customer Services have been busy preparing a couple of initiatives behind the scenes – important among them, a series of Webinars to help onboard your new [...]
I could get Use(r Groupe)d to that
Not that far off, Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 April 2022 are the dates for our User Group Meeting here in Aarhus. Make a [...]
A Welcome to Adam!
We are delighted to report that our Development Department has been strengthened by recent graduate, Adam Horvath who has just started in October. The youngest in the ASIMUT [...]
Sweet teams are made of this…
A tradition here at ASIMUT interrupted by the pandemic, on Monday 27 September we finally managed to welcome all the wonderful new schools that [...]
New members of our team: Silvia and Marc
We are excited to announce that we have found the two new employees we have been looking for. Say hello to Silvia Bortolotto and [...]
UGM 2022: Save the date!
We are thrilled to announce that the next User Group Meeting will be 25–26 April 2022, here in Aarhus.We will return to ‘the birthplace’ of [...]
Press Info: ASIMUT 3.0 is out
Major upgrade to industry-standard ASIMUT room booking and event management software announced As ASIMUT software ApS announced today it will release on 1 October [...]
Welcome to new academies during the pandemic
We are honored about every new academy joining our ASIMUT family - every single one of you means a lot to us. Several new [...]

How to get started
ASIMUT will revolutionize your planning and your communication. Let us find out how you can best benefit from the system and let us guide you through the next steps.